We offer you a one in a lifetime experience in our Office and in the Field.

Check the job DESCRIPTION

Since 2004, LEAD Adventures Ecuador & Galapagos has created meaningful volunteering and travel experiences for over 3,000 satisfied customers! We run volunteering and adventure-type trips for clients coming mainly from US, UK, Canada and Australia, but we have served clients from all over the world!
We are a dynamic and young-minded company that is always willing to try new things and improve our marketing efforts both online and offline. We treat our interns in the same way that we treat our full-time staff and expect nothing but the best from them! The dress code is casual (jeans every day are ok).
You can learn more about us at: www.lead-adventures.com
Join our team for the experience of a lifetime! We currently have these openings:
  • Online community managers interns
  • International marketing interns
  • Webmaster and online marketing interns
Additional positions are open in journalism, communications and other specific fields. If you are interested in a specific field not mentioned here please send us an email to: contact@lead-adventures.com and we may be able to help.
Key Responsibilities
  • Deployment of our online marketing plan. Write articles and research tours/experiences in Ecuador and Galapagos.
  • Implement new ideas to improve our marketing and sales strategies.
  • Assist in daily office activities, meetings, etc.
  • Hold regular meetings with the company director and staff to set up tasks, goals, deadlines and general feedback.
  • Maturity, flexibility and independence are key.
  • Experience in studying/traveling abroad is desirable
  • Candidate must have strong communication and writing skills
  • Possess active interest in blogging or social media
  • Familiarity with Twitter, Facebook, and other social media tools highly desirable
Benefits for Interns
Interns will gain hands-on experience in international marketing, internet marketing strategies, and overall tourism industry operations. Interns will also acquire multicultural business skills while living abroad will increase their self-confidence and networking skills. They will also travel around Ecuador and experience some or all of the 4 regions: Andes, Coast, Amazon and Galapagos.
Benefits to the host company
Companies will gain a fresh ideas and energy from young interns. They will also have access to a native English speaker tasks geared towards English-speaking clients, providers, etc.
Application process:
  • Send us your current resume and the dates you are available to intern with us
  • Skype interview with our staff
  • Be available to work for minimum 3 months. This is an ongoing internship year round.
The placement includes the following:
  • Airport transfer upon your arrival in Quito
  • Accommodation during your stay (in a host family; breakfast and dinner included).
  • We give a 150 USD monthly stipend upon submitting reports of your work
  • 2 weeks of medical and emergency travel insurance at no cost. Additional weeks can be purchased with us at substantial discount compared to regular providers
  • Subsidized Spanish lessons at cost available
  • Subsidized Galapagos Experience Program at cost
  • Sponsored visits to our animal rescue centers in the Amazon and Andes (3 days per center) at no cost to the participant.
  • Support from our staff 24/7

Recent Testimonials

  • Natalia Rozanska, Denmark:

    The Internship at Lead-Adventures has been one of the best experiences in my life! It is just perfect for people who want to connect professional and personal development. In the company I learned how to use in practice theories thought at University, had opportunity to work with very nice people, got to know Ecuadorian and international business culture! I think it is impossible to describe personal development which Ecuador gave me. I was expecting to see sad faces of people..and I realized that they have unbelievable ability to enjoy and appreciate all they have- they bring you incredible positive energy! I got to know volunteers from all over the world, traveled in the weekends around Ecuador, learnt Spanish, tried Guinea Pig, danced Latino, bungee jumped…but the most important – I learned “To do more for the world than the world does for you – that is success.”

    Thank you Lead-Adventures!!!

    I miss you all 🙁

    Natalia Rozanska, Denmark:
  • Amelia Keller, Canada:

    Every since I was little I knew I wanted to travel the world, so when this opportunity came across to used my personal and educational skills in a foreign workplace setting I knew this was a goal I needed to achieve in my life.

    Lead Adventures gave me the responsibility to be in charge of all of the online and social media marketing. Facebook , Twitter and LinkedIn had to be updated in a professional effective manor, to ensure that customers and potential customers had knowledge and understanding about the programs. Using marketing research, I was able to find out data on what potential volunteers were looking for and what methods of advertisement work best for Lead Adventures. By updating websites, writing newsletters, connecting with partnering companies, and potential volunteers, I was able to use my communication, creativity, marketing, and computer knowledge to endorse the company in my best ways possible.

    Traveling to another country helped me with who I am, experiencing another culture, different language, people, food, and atmosphere, showed me that there is so much to learn in this world. Some of the small challenges were just using a Spanish computer and finding my way to work. After googling how to use the “@” sign, and getting lost many times, it all came together in the end and made Ecuador a great learning experience.

    I encourage every student from all around the world to travel, if they come across an opportunity similar to mine, it will be one that they never forget. I have gained so much experience not only in my work field but everyday life tasks.

    Lead Adventures gave me this great opportunity, that has allowed to to grow as a person and experience things I never thought of doing.

    Amelia Keller, Canada:

Your Day
at Lead Adventures


Deployment of our online marketing plan. Write articles and research tours/experiences in Ecuador and Galapagos.

    • Time25%


    Implement new ideas to improve our marketing and sales strategies.

      • Time25%


      Assist in daily office activities, meetings, etc.

      Hold regular meetings with the company director and staff to set up tasks, goals, deadlines and general feedback.
        • Time25%


        Help with SEO Optimization for the company website and Social Media.

          • Time25%